“Wow. I am going to be sooo honest when we left I was extremely worried with the wind and how crazy the boys were I could’ve swore we didn’t get any salvageable shots and I was really sad. None of which would have been your fault! But you literally blew my expectations out of the water. I can not believe how much I love these. You’re amazing Emily. Truly. With how painful the weather and my crazy kiddos were you seriously killed it. Truly thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love them!”


“Doug and I no joke, love them. I started crying. God I am so in love with you and this is only our first time doing pictures. You are truly the best, everybody should book with you!”


“We had family photos today… (again) with Em and let me just start off by saying how much we LOVE her, not only because of the beautiful photos she captures of us but because of the way she treats us! She always takes time to help Noah warm up to the idea of taking pictures, she plays with him and always gives him the extra attention he needs. She went above and beyond that and checked in on me just to make sure that I was okay mentally and how I was adjusting after having baby #2. You absolutely do not find that amount of effort in a lot of people, someone who actually CARES so much about her clients!! I’m so thankful for having Emily as our photographer and now friend.”
